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Income And Poverty Data for Anacrows Landing

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Income Anacrows Landing Richmond Virginia
1999 median household income * $31,112 $46,677
1999 median family income * $38,348 $54,169
1999 per capita income * $20,337 $23,975
Total households 301 84,566 2,700,335
Income $0-$24,999 65.78% 40.32% 24.61%
Income $25,000-$39,999 17.28% 20.59% 17.93%
Income $40,000-$59,999 6.64% 16.98% 19.89%
Income $60,000-$74,999 1.99% 7.35% 11.10%
Income $75,000+ 8.31% 14.75% 26.47%
Poverty Anacrows Landing Richmond Virginia
Population for whom poverty status is determined 860 188,116 6,844,372
Total Population Below Poverty Level 312 40,185 656,641
Less than 5 years old in poverty 2.88% 10.07% 9.10%
5-11 years old in poverty 17.95% 15.35% 13.22%
12-17 years old in poverty 22.12% 9.52% 9.58%
18-64 years old in poverty 54.17% 55.01% 57.19%
65 years old and older in poverty 2.88% 10.05% 10.90%
Source of Income Anacrows Landing Richmond Virginia
Total Households 301 84,566 2,700,335
Wage or salary 79.73% 76.15% 81.24%
Self-employment 5.65% 7.81% 11.00%
Social Security 22.92% 25.87% 23.39%
Supplemental Security Income 24.25% 5.63% 3.54%
Public Assistance 15.95% 4.72% 2.46%
Retired 22.92% 16.38% 18.81%
Interest Dividends or Net Rental Income 6.64% 28.34% 38.22%
Other Types 21.93% 12.56% 12.91%
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