Education Data for Midlothian 1009241

School Enrollment Midlothian Richmond Virginia

Enrollment status
Total Population 3 years and over 2,979 189,932 6,801,149
Not enrolled in school 1,811 135,884 4,933,048
Enrolled in school 1,168 54,048 1,868,101

Grade Level
Total Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 1,168 54,048 1,868,101
Nursery school, preschool 143 3,408 125,701
Kindergarten 73 2,610 101,127
Grades 1 to 4 370 10,663 408,330
Grades 5 to 8 226 9,429 398,115
Grades 9 to 12 268 8,822 384,028
College, undergraduate 40 15,222 356,787
Graduate or professional school 48 3,894 94,013

Type of School
Total Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 1,168 54,048 1,868,101
Enrolled in Public School 931 43,669 1,566,180
Enrolled in Private School 237 10,379 301,921
Other Languages Midlothian Richmond Virginia
Total Households 908 84,566 2,700,335
Speaking English 814 77,225 2,356,089

Other Languages
Linguistically Isolated 12 1,365 56,072
Not Linguistically Isolated 82 5,976 288,174
Total Linguistically Isolated 12 1,365 56,072
Spanish Linguistically Isolated 0 862 25,680
Other Indo-European Language Linguistically Isolated 0 246 9,579
Asian and Pacific Island LanguageLinguistically Isolated 12 210 17,671
Other Language Linguistically Isolated 0 47 3,142
Educational Attainment Midlothian Richmond Virginia
Total Population 25 years and over 1,804 128,555 4,666,574
No schooling completed 12 1,634 47,704
Nursery through 12th, no diploma 28 30,273 816,906
High school diploma or equivalent 98 30,314 1,212,463
Some college, no degree 323 24,224 951,700
Associate's degree 80 4,249 262,813
Bachelor's degree 842 23,951 835,011
Master's degree 290 8,839 374,854
Professional school degree 56 3,527 106,700
Doctorate degree 75 1,544 58,423