Income And Poverty Data for Oregon Hill

Income Oregon Hill Richmond Virginia
1999 median household income * $31,112 $46,677
1999 median family income * $38,348 $54,169
1999 per capita income * $20,337 $23,975
Total households 415 84,566 2,700,335
Income $0-$24,999 147 34,094 664,556
Income $25,000-$39,999 119 17,416 484,247
Income $40,000-$59,999 83 14,363 536,989
Income $60,000-$74,999 26 6,217 299,679
Income $75,000+ 40 12,476 714,864
Poverty Oregon Hill Richmond Virginia
Population for whom poverty status is determined 812 188,116 6,844,372
Total Population Below Poverty Level 133 40,185 656,641
Less than 5 years old in poverty 0 4,045 59,783
5-11 years old in poverty 0 6,170 86,831
12-17 years old in poverty 11 3,825 62,918
18-64 years old in poverty 122 22,107 375,564
65 years old and older in poverty 0 4,038 71,545
Source of Income Oregon Hill Richmond Virginia
Total Households 415 84,566 2,700,335
Wage or salary 363 64,401 2,193,684
Self-employment 64 6,602 296,975
Social Security 53 21,880 631,530
Supplemental Security Income 0 4,759 95,716
Public Assistance 0 3,991 66,492
Retired 44 13,852 507,879
Interest Dividends or Net Rental Income 198 23,963 1,031,942
Other Types 25 10,618 348,620